About Alexander & The Birth of Aura
Aura Rainwater is the brainchild of Alexander M. Williams, conceived while meditating one morning. Combining the concepts of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research, which show the inherent vibration of positive and negative words can change the physical structure of water, with the intrinsic and unique properties of rainwater, Alexander knew that something special was being birthed. Mr. Williams is the quintessential 'Jack of All Trades, Master of Many.' He has spread his wings in many areas including finance, small business development, child and adolescent development, adolescent substance abuse treatment and support, community development, fundraising and more!
Alexander is a firm believer that we do not have a water scarcity problem. “We have water abundance, but do not understand how to access this living gift from nature.” Founded in 2018, Aura Rainwater represents a collective of individuals that know the importance of rainwater, and that energy is information that has a great influence on everyone and everything in life – including water! Alexander knows in his heart that Aura Rainwater is a realistic solution to the water needs for all of our communities as well as a solution to true hydration of the body.

The Aura Mission
We have a mission like no other! Our lofty goal is to provide what we believe is, the only sustainable solution to so called 'water scarcity' while elevating the consciousness of humanity and providing maximum hydration. We intend to accomplish this by introducing the world to the first ever triple-filtered, bottled rainwater that imprints a high vibrational word into the water to provide elevation in hydration and mood. Because rainwater never touches the ground and can effortlessly be collected, we provide the cleanest, purest nectar that Earth has to offer.